Berlin / Dar es Salaam
Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Dr. Rachel Lee, Anne-Katrin Fenk, Diane Barbé
DARCH – the Dar Centre for Architectural Heritage: coordination (no website but facebook)
Zentrum fuer Kunst und Urbanistik: artistic curation and residencies in Berlin (web)
Nafasi Art Space: artistic curation and residencies in Dar (web)
ANZA magazine: partner publicist, based in Dar (web)
stadtaspekte: partner publicist, based in Berlin (web)
Technische Universität Berlin: institutional partner
Ardhi University Dar es Salaam: institutional partner
Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives is an academic, artistic and publishing exchange between Berlin, Germany and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It focuses on urban heritage, as a tangible (architectural) and intangible (cultural) constituent of city life. Through summer schools, residencies and transnational research, Simulizi Mijini explores heritage from below, as it is known, informed and generated by communities, with the objective of creative an online, accessible platform to archive the two city’s histories with a comparative perspective.