Urban Design

Architectural Ethnography Case Study House W

Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023 Architectural Ethnography: Case Study House W Tutors: Oxana Gourinovitch Chair: Urban Monument Preservation and Urban Cultural Heritage (Herold), Institute of Urban and Regional…

Berlin-Warsaw: Villages in Berlin Relicts between Past and Future

Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023 Berlin-Warsaw Villages in Berlin Tutors: Christian Kloss, Prof. Jan Polivka Chair: Urban Planning and Built Environment Development, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning…

Big Box +

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Bengt Kröner, Sebastian Kunz, Yisha Zhang, Yue Zhang WiSe 15/16 By offering a variety of programs, the strip will…


UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Hişar Ersöz, Anne Gunia, Mateusz Rej, Frederik Springer, Piroska Szabó Urban Design Studio WiSe 15/16 We determined several rules…

Hi, High-density

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Madeleine Appelros, Jennifer Gehring, Benedikt Wieser, Bu Yijie WiSe 15/16 The Pankow Güterbahnhof site presents an extraordinary and rare…

1. Preis “Goldener Büffel 2019”

Das interdisziplinäre Team der TU Berlin mit den Studierenden Luisa Balz (Urban Design), Jonas Brodzinski (Architektur), Luisa Berßelis (Städtebau) und Sahl Kreish (Architektur) hat mit Ihrem Entwurf aus…

Dual Degree Master Graduation 2019

The Urban Design Dual Degree students who started their studies at TU Berlin in the winter term 2017 succesfully graduated at Tongji University Shanghai this June. Congratulations!  …

Award Urban Design Studio – Friends of the TU Berlin Preis für vorbildliche Lehre

On the 8th of October, the Urban Design Studio (Prof Stollmann, Prof. Misselwitz, Katharina Hagg and Aine Ryan) was awarded the price for outstanding teaching (1.500€), donated by…


Master Urban Design