Author: Will Scobie

Peatlands Learning to Co-live Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Tolga Dervish, Salma Elbasty, Tian (Michelle) Wang During the analysis phase of this…

Soils Gone Wild Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students:Hannah Jury, Alexandra Nuñez, Gesa Henning What if humans develop an integrated relationship with…

Life after the Concrete-Era Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Madita Goll, Martha Neubauer, Ina Schöllmann, Ara Song How can the extraction pit…

Cultivating Change Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Augustin Heinen, Bailey Gray, Lena Beckmann, Luyin Zhang, Zhixiao Li Hemme Milch is…

So(i)lutions for Sustainable Farming Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Yihan Sun, Fuji Chao, Daria Kurbatova, Ekaterina Anikina, Maria Bordignon, Tanja Beier How…

Decentralized power (plants) Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Mehrsa Marzban, Piotr Oskwarek, Kristina Polosina, MortazaRahimi, Shahin Sedighi, Aida Baratzadeh Energy production…

Timber Futures Productive Soils

Urban Design Studio 2023/2024 Tutors:  Juliana Canedo, Christian Haid, Anke Hagemann Chair: Habitat Unit Students: Muchun Li, Johanna Scocco, Omar Tbakhi, Seyda Bulbul, Hao Qian How can timber…

Europan 17 Barcelona Living Cities

Urban Planning Studio SS 2023 Europan 17 Barcelona Tutors: Andreas Brück Chair: Labor K and Urban Design and Development (Million), Institute of Urban and Regional Planning Students:  Püren…

Architectural Ethnography Case Study House W

Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023 Architectural Ethnography: Case Study House W Tutors: Oxana Gourinovitch Chair: Urban Monument Preservation and Urban Cultural Heritage (Herold), Institute of Urban and Regional…

Tour de Meissner More than traffic

Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023 Tour de Meissner – More than traffic Tutors: Juliane Heinrich Chair: Urban Design and Development (Million), Institute of Urban and Regional Planning Urban…

Berlin-Warsaw: Villages in Berlin Relicts between Past and Future

Urban Planning Studio SoSe 2023 Berlin-Warsaw Villages in Berlin Tutors: Christian Kloss, Prof. Jan Polivka Chair: Urban Planning and Built Environment Development, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning…

NHSH New Local Centres Supporting inclusive and diverse neighbourhoods

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

BB Phytoremediation Block 130 Co-creating and co-habiting

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

BB Densities A study proposal for the new development and densification area in Gesundbrünnen

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

BB Arrival (re)structure Ground Floor & Open Spaces

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

FKS Campus for Arrival Creating an arrival infrastructure that goes beyond affordable housing

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

FKS Process To save a tree

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

FKS Existing Live with the past

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand? WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

FKS Dance Across Borders Ground Floor Mission

Urban Design Studio Spatial Commons 15 – Berlin Where Do We Stand?  WS 2022/2023 Tutors: Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper and Jörg Stollman Chair of Urban Design and Urbanisation,…

Connecting Fragments

“CONNECTING FRAGMENTS: Public Spaces as the Key Infrastructure to Healthy BB 2040” by Julian Hees, Sarah Friedel, Asli Aydin, David Svensson, Saskia Hirtz, Diana Chvirova, Laurenz Blaser The…


“BB4+ STRESSTEST: Critical visions for a region facing climate pressure” by Ziwei Dong, David Freeman, Luzie Michaels, Pascal Müller, Arina Rahma, Huizi Zhu This is BB4+ : Stresstest!…


“THE CARBON VALLEY: The Glacial Valley as a Carbon Infrastructure” by Sasha Amaya, Lisa Biermann, Adi Cohen, Yagmur Durak, Liujun Chen, Anna Markušina, Jonas Möller, Azada Taheri In…

Travel Route: HBF – Wansee – Potsdam

Route 8 – BERLIN XX XL Eka Permanasari, Maram Ismail, Gan Yunni, Wang Yuchun, He Yite, Su Tianrui Route 8 includes the Berliner Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Station), Wannsee…

Bridging Islands

Route 7 – BERLIN XX XL Lena Diete, Destina Ergin, Thierry Nolmans, Johanna Schacht, Anastasia Soshnikova   The overarching theme of this tender are the various scales of…

A Tale of Circular Journeys of Waste in Berlin

Route 6 – BERLIN XX XL Hui Xu, Kosar Ashgari, Zitong Ye, Uros Stojadinovic, Daniel Dilger The macro analysis of this project focuses on Berlin’s complex yet productive dialogue with…

Connectivity and Integration

Route 5 – BERLIN XX XL Mohamed Hegaz, Yasin Imran Rony, Anastasia Kuznetsova, Solveigh Paulus, Nina Schulz Connectivity and Integration: new visions for the east The conceptual interpretation…


Route 4 – BERLIN XX XL Kriti Garg, Zoe Hochstein-Morran, Carolina Moreno Londono, Alejandro Orduz Trujillo, Tamar Sarkissian This project frames scenarios along the S Bahn 2 line…

Klub Kanal

Route 2 – BERLIN XX XL Paul Strobel, Diogo Jeremias, Carolin Lichtenstein, Tino Imsirovic, Tom Rawson This project explores future trajectories between Berlin and Brandenburg through a case…


Route 3 – BERLIN XX XL Nathan Bram, Frederick Coulomb, Vanessa Markus, Babatunde Oladogba, Lena Reißler, André Sacharow The route on B96 is focusing on three very different…

Work… or Not

Route 1 – BERLIN XX XL Ildar Biganiakov, Liu Ai, Paula Pons, Aniko Strutz, Panos Tsiamyrtzis Bakas This design focuses on 3 sites in Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz, Olympiastadion and…

The Global Union

For What it’s Worth 2: The Great Transformation Arina Kapitanova, Christina Krampokouki, Christopher Heidecke, Evelina Faliagka, Jianhua Chen, Jun Wen, Laura Simak, Rosa Pintos Hanhausen the global union…

Counter Culture

For What it’s Worth 2: The Great Transformation Bengisu Aydos, Chi Zhang, Jiaxin Lu, Johanna Hamel, Louna Al Bondakji, Magdalena Grienig, Philipp Winter, Simin Yan, Tunca Beril Basaran…

Beta Berlin

For What it’s Worth 2: The Great Transformation   Julia Dorn, Katherine Eynon, Salma Hassabelnaby, Johannes Reinders, Veit Vogel, Johanna Westermann, Shuaiqi Xia, Yiran Zhang, Leonie Ziehmann beta…


For What it’s Worth 2: The Great Transformation Simon Warne, Lucinda Ng, Edouard Barthen, Paul Bostanjoglo, Mingyu Zhuang, Lucia Forcioli Conti, Monika Sillova, Sima Bhattarai, Laura Valverde Offermann…

Kiez goes Commons

For What it’s Worth: Densification at any Cost? Julia Göse, Marie Hildebrandt, Miao Hu, Leticia Palomino, Robert Ritzel, Emmi Stiegler, Amadeus Theimer, BoLun Wang kiez goes commons Adapting…


For What it’s Worth: Densification at any Cost? Melanie Garcia, Jörn Gartenbach, Anna Golmann, Petra Heber, Malte Hirsbrunner, Sophie Marthe, Lixuan Xie, Yanqui Yao Protopia Despite numerous calls…


For What it’s Worth: Densification at any Cost? Venus Ayoub, Luisa Balz, Raphael Feurstein, Timo Hartmann, Yiwen He, Andreas Horn, You Lyu, Mathias Maurerlechner, Julia Schlütsmeier-Hage, Philine von…


For What it’s Worth: Densification at any Cost? Anais Alfieri, Lea Becker, Jacqueline Behrnd, Irene Georgieva, Katharina Krempel, Alina Reuschling, Yitong Wang, Maik Weifenbach HETEROTOPOLIS     Berlin…

Spree Route

SPREEATHEN Dominikus Littel, Niklas Grupe, Yanan Chen, Philipa Weyers WS 2016/17 SpreeRoute activating islands in the river network Engaging simultaneously with discourses on car-free neighbourhoods and with current…

What we can do for the River

SPREEATHEN WS 2016/17 What we can do for the River rethinking the relationship between river and city   Cities depend on water and rivers, and yet create conditions…

Water for the Kiez

SPREEATHEN Nija-Maria Linke. Franziska Bittner. Alina Schütze. Nanuk Rennert WS 2016/17 Water for the Kiez experimental, educational and active model quarter Taking the position that standard waterfront development…

Water Oriented Development

SPREEATHEN Jöran Mandik. Li Zyue. Rickmer Niehus. WS 2016/17 Water Oriented Development uncovering the city’s tributaries to merge water and city The recent approaches of ‘water-sensitive urban design’…

ENSEMBLESPREE assembleproductivity

SPREEATHEN Michael Fay. Dija Chen. Marcel Tröger. Peter Werner WS 2016/17 ENSEMBLESPREE assembleproductivity reinstating the river as the spine of city’s production     The non-polluting, silent and…

Slow it Down

SPREEATHEN Bente Jacobsen. Nathalie Denstorff.  Ana Martin Yuste. Martin Villegaz WS 2016/17 Slow it Down a urban design framework for gradual riverside redevelopment   Reacting to the property-market…

Jam Session

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Svenja Binz, Julia Brennauer, Li Ao, Jim Reifferscheid WiSe 15/16 Giving a finisched spatial masterplan often means the end of…

Slices for Community

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Christin Bernartz, Laurène Cendrey, Nadine Krell, Kerstin Parschat, Lisa Wagner WiSe 15/16 On the one hand our proposal preserves…

Big Box +

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Bengt Kröner, Sebastian Kunz, Yisha Zhang, Yue Zhang WiSe 15/16 By offering a variety of programs, the strip will…


UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Hişar Ersöz, Anne Gunia, Mateusz Rej, Frederik Springer, Piroska Szabó Urban Design Studio WiSe 15/16 We determined several rules…

Hi, High-density

UD HOME GROWN – Housing Alliances on the Rise Madeleine Appelros, Jennifer Gehring, Benedikt Wieser, Bu Yijie WiSe 15/16 The Pankow Güterbahnhof site presents an extraordinary and rare…